Deletes the object connected to h. DelObject(h:HANDLE); Deletes the symbol connected to h from a wall object. DeleteWallSym(h:HANDLE); Adds peak to wall connected to h. AddWallPeak(h:HANDLE;Distance,Height:REAL); Adds symbol to wall connected to h. AddSymToWall(h:HANDLE;Name:STRING;Distance,Height:REAL); Sets the start and end height of the wall connected to h. HWallHeight(h:HANDLE;Start,End:REAL); Sets the width of the wall connected to h. HWallWidth(h:HANDLE;Width:REAL); Rotates the object connected to h about (X,Y). HRotate(h:HANDLE;X,Y,Angle:REAL); Offsets object connected to h specified distance from current position. HMove(h : HANDLE; XOff,YOff : REAL); Sets the text justification of the string connected to h. SetTextJust(h:HANDLE;Just:INTEGER); Sets the text size of the string connected to h. SetTextSize(h:HANDLE;Start,Count,Size:INTEGER); Sets the style of the string connected to h. SetTextStyle(h:HANDLE;Start,Count,Style:INTEGER); Sets the font of the string connected to h. SetTextFont(h:HANDLE;Start,Count,FontNum:INTEGER); Changes the text of a text object that is connected to h. SetText(h : Handle; s : STRING); Closes the worksheet connected to h. CloseSS(h:HANDLE); Activates the spreadsheet that is connected by h. SelectSS(h : Handle); Moves a 3D object connected to h by dX, dY, dZ. Move3DObj(h : Handle; dX, dY, dZ : REAL); Changes the height, width, depth of a 3D object that is connected to h. Set3DInfo(h : Handle; height, width, depth : REAL); Rotates a 3D object that is connected to h by the amount specified by #x, #y, #z around the point specified by xCenter, yCenter, zCenter. Set3DRot(h : Handle; #x, #y, #z, xCenter, yCenter, zCenter : REAL); Changes the start and arc angles of the arc that is connected to h. SetArc(h : Handle; #startAngle, #arcAngle : REAL); Changes the location of the polygon’s index’th vertex to the new location specified by x, y. SetPolyPt(h : Handle; index : INTEGER; x, y : REAL); Changes the second end point of a line connected to h to the new location specified by x, y. SetSegPt2(h : Handle; x, y : REAL); Changes the first end point of a line connected to h to the new location specified by x, y. SetSegPt1(h : Handle; x, y : REAL); Assigns the specified fill background color to the object that is connected to h. SetFillBack(h : Handle; red, green, blue : LONGINT); Assigns the specified fill foreground color to the object that is connected to h. SetFillFore(h : Handle; red, green, blue : LONGINT); Assigns the specified pen background color to the object that is connected to h. SetPenBack(h : Handle; red, green, blue : LONGINT); Assigns the specified pen foreground color to the object that is connected to h. SetPenFore(h : Handle; red, green, blue : LONGINT); Assigns the specified bounding box coordinates x1, y1, x2, y2 to the object that is connected to h. SetBBox(h : Handle; x1, y1, x2, y2 : REAL); Assigns the specified line style to the object that is connected to h. SetLS(h : Handle; lineStyle : INTEGER); Assigns the specified line weight to the object that is connected to h. SetLW(h : Handle; lineWeight : INTEGER); Assigns the specified fill pattern to the object that is connected to h. SetFPat(h : Handle; fillPattern : INTEGER); Assigns the specified class to the object that is connected to h. SetClass(h : Handle; class : STRING); Assigns the specified name to the object that is connected to h. SetName(h : Handle; name : STRING); Deselects the object that is connected to h. SetDSelect(h : Handle); Selects the object that is connected to h. SetSelect(h : Handle);